The Story Circle

Welcome to Story Circle.
Here’s a message from the Story Circle coordinator:
My name is Janet Trull, and I will be coordinating the 2025 Season of Story Circle, a radio program supported by the Arts Council ~ Haliburton Highlands. It airs right here on Canoe FM, Monday mornings at 11am. Folks in the Highlands have long been known for our storytelling skills and Story Circle provides an opportunity for writers to have their stories broadcast on air.
Let’s fill the airwaves with stories that reflect life in the highlands all the year ‘round. Think ahead! Do you have a love story for February? A cottage opening story for May? Some nostalgic lakeside memories for July? Get writing and send your pitch of 1,500 words or less to haliburtonstorycircle@gmail.com If accepted, you will be invited to record your story with Studio Engineer, Ron Murphy at Canoe FM. Check out the Canoe FM website for details.
We are currently accepting submissions for upcoming programs. Send your story of 1500 words or less to haliburtonstorycircle@gmail.com or look for information on the Canoe FM website. Everyone has a story to tell!