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Links to help you connect with opportunities and information related to the arts!

Ontario Arts Council - Conseil des arts de l'Ontario

Learn more about the Profile of Arts and Cultural Tourism in Ontario, according to @Forum-Research! Among other things, artistic and cultural tourists stay longer and spend more.



Ontario Arts Council currently offers more than fifty granting programs to individual artists, collectives, ad hoc groups and organizations in twelve sectors.

Ontario Arts Council supports training and mentorship opportunities that advance the work and careers of individual artists and arts professionals. Visit their ‘Skills and Careers’ page.

Canada Council for the Arts

Canada’s national, arm’s-length arts funding agency. They award grants to individual artists and arts organizations and award fellowships and prizes to some 200 artists and scholars. 

Ontario Disability Support Program

If you have a disability and need help with your living expenses, you may be eligible for the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP). Please refer to the ODSP & Arts Grants brochure for information about reporting your arts grant to ODSP to help ensure your funds are assessed fairly. Arts grants are exempt as both income and assets for people on the Ontario Disability Support Program and Ontario Works.

CADAC (Canadian Arts Data)

Provides a simplified process for arts organizations applying for operating grants.

OTHER RESOURCES is a free, searchable online encyclopedia of information, resources, tools, and templates for producing independent performance work in Canada. For video and resources, visit Generator's YouTube channel.

Canadian Artists’ Representation CARFAC Ontario

A professional association serving the needs of visual artists in Ontario. CARFAC offers services and resources (including publications and workshops) to assist emerging and established artists with legal rights, setting prices, and more.

The Canadian Network for Arts & Learning envisions a world in which the arts and creativity are recognized as integral to the learning process, both at school and throughout life. By connecting Canada’s diverse arts and learning communities, we will increase access to meaningful arts experiences for all Canadians, laying the foundation for the strengthening of social, cultural, health and wellbeing, and economic vitality.

Many resources on the website.

The Canadian Authors Association is a membership-based organization for writers at all stages of their writing careers: aspiring, emerging, and professional. The resources for writers section of its website includes links to numerous national, provincial and international writers’ associations across Canada.

Canadian Conference for the Arts

The Cana­dian Con­fer­ence of the Arts is a not-for-profit, non-partisan member-based orga­ni­za­tion that rep­re­sents the inter­ests of over 400,000 artists, cul­tural pro­fes­sion­als from all dis­ci­plines of the nation’s vast arts, cul­ture and her­itage com­mu­nity.

Canadian Independent Music Association

CIMA (formerly CIRPA) is the trade organization representing the independent sector of the Canadian music and sound recording industry and the collective voice of independent music in English-speaking Canadians



Walk the Line: Crafting Your Signature Series - Mentoring Program

Visit the website for more information ​

Back to Basics - residency program in Finland, summer 2025

Thematic residency program for artists, writers, designers & creative minds

Periods: 1 month (29 days/period)
When: July / August / September 2025
Where: Arteles Creative Center, Hämeenkyrö, Finland
Application deadline: 23rd of January 2025

Back to Basics is a multidisciplinary residency program that allows individuals to clear their minds, get back to focus, and (re)discover the very basis of their being. Take a break from your phone, reconnect with your creativity, be part of nature and learn to stay present again.  

Read more & apply:

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Arts Council ~ Haliburton Highlands

P. O. Box 931, 5152 County Rd. 21

Haliburton, ON  K0M 1S0


Arts Council Haliburton Highlands would not be possible the support of our members or without the volunteer work of our members who serve on our board and committees. Members are always welcome to join and offer their talents and ideas.

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©2025 by Arts Council Haliburton Highlands.

 The use of any of the photographs on this website without the permission of the artist or arts council is strictly prohibited

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