Artists in the Schools & Community
To promote arts education opportunities for people of all ages and provide professional development for artists and arts professionals.
To expose elementary school students to the world of art by employing local artists to provide classroom instruction in a wide variety of art forms.
To provide youth with a positive and creative outlet through community-based arts programming.
To enable artists and artisans to further their artistic skills or to assist in the development of their arts business by developing and delivering training programs.
To provide seniors with the social and health benefits of participation in creative activities by providing accessible arts programming. ​

Community Cardboard Village
Families took part in a hands-on project of creating a cardboard village, including buildings, current and historical, from the villages of Haliburton County, along with scenery, roads, villagers, and vehicles. Buildings are accompanied by signs and text identifying and explaining the location and stories.
Community Workshop Project
A series of workshops for children,
youth, and adults that ran
from April 25th through May 28th, 2022